Book Series

North of Byzantium has partnered with Trivent Publishing to establish a new book series: Eastern European Visual Culture and Byzantium (13th -17th c.).
This series explores the art, architecture, and visual culture of regions of the Balkan Peninsula, the Carpathian Mountains, as well as early-modern Russia and Ruthenia between the thirteenth and seventeenth centuries. Through historically grounded examinations of the visual and cultural productions of these Eastern European territories, this series highlights the prismatic relationships between local traditions, the Byzantine heritage, and cultural forms adopted from other models. The local artistic productions ought to be considered individually and as part of larger networks, thus revealing the shared heritage of these regions and their indebtedness to artistic models adopted from elsewhere, and especially from Byzantium. In stressing the local specificity and the interconnectedness of these Eastern European geographical areas, this series aims to challenge established perceptions of what constitutes ideological and historical facets of the past, as well as scholarly notions of what can be identified as Byzantine, post-Byzantine, and early modern history, art, and culture.
The series co-editors are interested in contributions that address how cross-cultural exchange operated across Eastern European regions that developed at the intersection of different traditions, among them Latin, Greek, Slavic, and Islamic; issues of visual eclecticism in the art, architecture, and visual culture; as well as the role of patronage, workshop practices, and the movements of people and objects in the transfer and adaptation of artistic ideas, techniques, and styles.
We invite proposals for monographs, edited volumes, conference proceedings, and translations in English. All suitable submissions will undergo a double blind peer review process. Should you like to submit a book proposal, please complete the Book Proposal Form and return it via email.
Please find the announcement here.

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