4-7 October 2018 – Byzantine Studies Conference – Sponsored Sessions
North of Byzantium: Art and Architecture at the Crossroads of the Latin, Greek, and Slavic Cultural Spheres, c. 1300 – c. 1550
Byzantine Studies Conference / 4-7 October, 2018 / San Antonio, Texas
SPONSOR: Mary Jaharis Center for Byzantine Art and Culture
Speakers: | Jelena Bogdanovic, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Architectural History and Theory, Iowa State University Triconch Churches Sponsored by Serbian and Wallachian Nobility, ca. 1350s–1550s Alice Isabella Sullivan, Ph.D. Lecturer, Department of History of Art, University of Michigan Cultural Interactions in Moldavian Art and Architecture Henry Schilb, Ph.D. Index of Medieval Art, Department of Art & Archaeology, Princeton University Mutual Peripheries: Differentiating between the Byzantine Traditions of Wallachian and Moldavian Embroideries |
Speakers: | Ida Sinkevic, Ph.D. Professor of Art History, Lafayette College Dečani Between East and West Maria Alessia Rossi, Ph.D. Index of Medieval Art, Department of Art & Archaeology, Princeton University Early Fourteenth-Century Serbian Monumental Painting: Continuation or Rupture with Byzantium? Justin L. Willson, Ph.D. Candidate Department of Art and Archaeology, Princeton University The Allegory of Wisdom in Hreljo’s Tower (1335) seen in light of Philotheos Kokkinos’s Discourse on Wisdom |